
Increase your productivity with GPT-4, ChatGPT, and GitHub Copilot

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Aline Santos
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As a developer, productivity is critical. We're constantly looking for ways to streamline our work process, save time, and produce quality results. In this post, I'll share my experience with three innovative AI tools: GPT-4, ChatGPT, and GitHub Copilot. These tools transformed my coding journey and helped me achieve more in less time. I'll also provide some examples to demonstrate how these AI-based tools can significantly improve your productivity.

Let's dive in!

GPT-4: the next generation language model

GPT-4, the latest iteration of the impressive OpenAI language model, offers language generation and understanding capabilities that are even more advanced than its predecessor, GPT-3. It can understand context, generate coherent text, and assist developers with a wide range of tasks.

Example 1: Golang Code Generation

Let's say I need to create a Golang function that calculates the factorial of a given number. Instead of wasting time writing from scratch, I can ask GPT-4 to generate a code snippet:

Generate a Golang function to calculate the factorial of a given number

GPT-4 would provide the following code:

main packageimport “fmt"func func< /span >}, num, factorial (num))” The factorial of %d is %d\n“fmt.Printf (5 num: = {() main}) -1 n * factorial (nreturn} 1return {0 n == if {int) int (n factorial)

The GPT-4 quickly generates a functional Golang code snippet that calculates factorials, allowing me to focus on other tasks and save time.

ChatGPT: Interactive coding assistance

ChatGPT, an interactive variant of GPT-4, allows developers to receive code suggestions in real time, ask questions, and participate in conversations for clarification. It's like having an AI-powered coding friend!

Example 2: JavaScript code suggestion

Suppose I need help understanding the promises of JavaScript and how to create one. Can I ask ChatGPT:

How do I create a JavaScript promise?

ChatGPT would answer:

const promise = new Promise (}); //Do an asynchronous operation here {) =>resolve, reject (

GitHub Copilot: Your AI Peer Programmer

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered coding assistant that integrates with your favorite code editors, such as Visual Studio Code. It provides code suggestions and autofill in real time, learning from your coding style and improving over time.

Example 3: Generating React components

Suppose I want to create a simple React component that renders a button with a custom OnClick handler. With GitHub Copilot, when I start typing, it automatically suggests the code.

</button><button onClick= {handleClick} className= {props.className} >import React from 'react'; customButton function (props) {const handleClick = () => {if (props.onClick) {props.onClick ();}};; customButtonDefaultExport}); {props.children} (return

GPT-4 code analysis

Imagine that I'm reading legacy code that's hard to understand. I can ask the GPT-4 to analyze the code and this helps me understand its functionality.

Obtaining the code generated in the example above, we can ask GPT-4

< /span ></button> <button onClick= {handleClick} className= {props.className} >Provide the JavaScript code below and describe its functionality. Import React from 'react';}; CustomButtonDefaultExport}); {props.children} (return} (); onClick props.) {onClick (props.if) => {= (handleClickConst) {props (CustomButtonFunction)

GPT-4 would answer:

In this code snippet, a functional React component called CustomButton is created. The handleClick function is defined inside the component and checks to see if the OnClick property is provided before invoking it. The component renders a button element with the handleClick function as the OnClick handler and receives className and < opcionais a i=7> props for style and content, respectively. The component is then exported for use in other parts of your application.children

That's super cool!!

In conclusion, taking advantage of cutting-edge AI tools like GPT-4, ChatGPT, and GitHub Copilot can significantly increase your productivity as a developer. These tools provide custom code generation, interactive assistance, and seamless integration with popular code editors, allowing you to focus on what matters most: creating incredible software. By adopting these AI-based innovations, you can stay ahead of the curve, save time, and consistently deliver high-quality code. It's time to increase your productivity and transform your coding journey with the power of AI. Good coding!

Autor (a)
Aline Santos
Ajudando empresas a transformar suas ideias em software, mentor, CTO, gerente de TI, líder técnico
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